The St. Francis of Assisi Little Dove Preschool provides quality care and beginning fundamentals for your young child. The program will be taught by Alaura Heesacker with another teacher assisting. The program director is the principal of St. Francis of Assisi, Mrs. Jannelle Mayo.
The program is sponsored through St. Francis of Assisi School
The program operates in full cooperation with all school policies.
Clear communication and careful coordination between parents, the program, and school staff is essential to the success of this program.
Hours of Operation
Monday—Friday: 8:00 to 11:15 am
2 Days a Week (T & TH): 3yr. Olds
3 Days a Week (M, W, F): 4-5yr. Olds
5 Days a Week (M-F): 4-5yr. Olds
Cost Of The Program
Two days a week: $140.00 per month
Three days a week: $190.00 per month
Five days a week: $315.00 per month
All program charges will be billed by the school office. Charges will be billed by the first Thursday of each month and are due on the 10th of each month. Payments received after the 10th of the month will be subject to a $10 late fee. Delinquency in payment will be cause for students to be dismissed from the program.
If a child is not picked up by 11:15 am a $10 fee will be charged for each additional 15 minute period. This is in addition to the monthly tuition. Habitual tardy pick up may result in non-participation in the program.
Parents are responsible for supplying a snack for their child.
Participation in the program can begin once registration is complete. A non-refundable, registration/book fee is due at the time of registration: $100.00, is required for each child.Registration fees will be used to purchase arts and craft supplies, board games, books, snacks, miscellaneous supplies for the preschool.
Children must be 3 yr. old by Sept. 1 OR 4yr. Old by Sept. 1 to enter either program. Please Submit a copy of your preschooler's birth certificate to the school office.
Immunizations must be up to date at the time of entry into the Preschool. Immunization records are due to the school office on the date of registration.
There is a required attendance sheet for parents /guardians to sign each day upon arrival & departure.
School uniforms are not required for Preschool students.
Curriculum Areas
to become familiar with books, the letters of the alphabet and their sounds, be able to hear and distinguish rhyming words, be able to make predictions about stories based on the pictures and what has been read, and to retell a short story.
to become aware of numbers, counting, recognize numerals to 10 and beyond, be able to recognize and make patterns.
to enjoy fingerplays, rhymes, recognize and reproduce patterns in music.
to become familiar and comfortable using a variety of art mediums to express themes, patterns, feelings, and creativity.
to know that God made the world and all living creatures, to know that God loves each of us and that he sent his son, Jesus, to us so we can get to know God the Father.
through learning about physical science, life science, and about our solar system, they will develop their sense of exploration and discovery which allows them to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.
to be able to do simple exercises like skipping, jumping, throwing and catching a ball, running, and going up and down stairs easily.
to be able to express feelings and thoughts using words, to share with others and to be kind to everyone.